Welcome to the first installment in our series of brand voices. To familiarize yourself with brand voices, read our blog about what brand voices are and what they’re important.

The Soldier

The origin of the soldier lies in its dedication to the process and precepts of the organization. Goals are achieved through the processes that have been developed by the organization and it is by keeping to the fundamentals that the organization is able to best assist their target market. It is important to remember that the soldier is there to get the job done in a reliable and effective way. The soldier does not spend time engaging in emotional foreplay; there is a job to be done and the soldier will make sure it gets finished.

The effectiveness of this voice is based on both industry as well as situation. In terms of industry, this voice serves industries with developing processes that are transitioning away from a wide array of offerings to a defined and structured number of offerings. In this case, the quality and distribution speed of those offerings become paramount and the voice of the soldier can be leveraged.

Situational Placement

The soldier is best used as a leveling voice during times of chaos, both internally and externally. Providing direction, assistance, and leadership during crises is one of the most effective uses of the soldier. In the immediate aftermath of a crisis, it would not be useful to use the soldier as a messaging tool. Empathetic voices are the most widely used and appreciated voices in that moment. But during the hectic events of a crisis, and later on as life tries to return to normal, the brand voice of the soldier lets businesses guide their audience in a calm, cool, and collected manner.


  • Trust
  • Dedication
  • Consistency
  • Measurability


  • Extroversion: 3
  • Agreeableness: 8
  • Openness: 2
  • Conscientiousness: 10
  • Neuroticism: 7